Python chr()

Python chr() function is your translator from numbers to characters. Give it a Unicode code point (an integer representing a character), and it gives you back the actual character that corresponds to that code.

chr() Syntax

character = chr(code_point)
  • character: A variable to store the resulting character.
  • chr(): The built-in Python function for the conversion.
  • code_point: An integer representing the Unicode code point of the desired character.

Example 1: Python chr()

result = chr(65)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Calls chr() with 65, the Unicode code point for the uppercase letter ‘A’.
  • Line 2: Prints the character ‘A’.



Example 2: Python chr() with Integer Numbers

result = chr(97)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Uses 97, the code point for lowercase ‘a’.
  • Line 2: Prints ‘a’.



Example 3: Python chr() with Out of Range Integer

    result = chr(1114112)  # Outside the valid Unicode range
except ValueError:
    print("ValueError: chr() arg not in range(0x110000)")

Code Explanation

  • Tries to use a code point beyond the valid range (0 to 0x10FFFF).
  • Triggers a ValueError because it’s invalid.
  • Prints the error message.

Example 4: Python chr() with Non-Integer Arguments

    result = chr("65")  # String instead of an integer
except TypeError:
    print("TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)")

Code Explanation

  • Tries to pass a string to chr(), which expects an integer.
  • Raises a TypeError due to the incorrect argument type.
  • Prints the error message.

Example 5: Python chr() with Special Character

result = chr(9829)  # Unicode for a heart symbol

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Uses the code point for a heart symbol.
  • Line 2: Prints the heart symbol.


Also Read

Python bytes()

Python compile()