Python callable()

Python callable() function is a simple way to check if something can be called like a function. It returns True if the object you give it is something you can put parentheses after and execute, like a function or a method. Otherwise, it returns False.

callable() Syntax

is_callable = callable(object)

Code Explanation

  • is_callable: A variable to store the result (True or False).
  • callable(): The built-in Python function for the check.
  • object: The thing you want to see if you can “call”.

Example 1: Callable Function Check with Python callable()

def my_function():

result = callable(my_function)

Code Explanation

  • Lines 1-2: Defines a simple function.
  • Line 4: Checks if my_function is callable.
  • Line 5: Prints True because functions are callable.



Example 2: Callable Object Check with Python callable()

class MyClass:
    def my_method(self):
        print("I'm a method!")

obj = MyClass()
result = callable(obj.my_method)

Code Explanation

  • Lines 1-3: Defines a class with a method.
  • Line 5: Creates an object of that class.
  • Line 6: Checks if the object’s method is callable.
  • Line 7: Prints True because methods are callable.



Example 3: Object Appears Callable but Isn’t

class MyClass:
    def __call__(self):  # Special method to make objects "callable"
        print("Called like a function!")

obj = MyClass()
result1 = callable(obj)
result2 = callable(obj.my_method)  # Assuming 'my_method' doesn't exist

Code Explanation

  • Lines 1-3: Defines a class with the special __call__ method.
  • Line 5: Creates an object.
  • Line 6: The object itself is callable due to __call__.
  • Line 7: Tries to check a non-existent method, causing an error and demonstrating that not everything on an object is callable.



Example 4: Callable Built-in Function Check with Python callable()

result = callable(print)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Directly checks if the built-in print function is callable.
  • Line 2: Prints True as expected.



Example 5: Callable String Check with Python callable()

result = callable("hello")

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Checks if a string is callable
  • Line 2: Prints False because strings are not callable



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Python bytearray()

Python bytes()