Python bin()

Python bin() function converts an integer into its binary representation. This means it expresses the number using only 0s and 1s, which is how computers fundamentally store and process data. It’s handy when working with the underlying binary structure of numbers.

bin() Syntax

binary_string = bin(integer)
  • binary_string: Variable to store the resulting binary string.
  • bin(): Built-in Python function for converting to binary.
  • integer: Integer you want to convert to its binary form.

Example 1: Python bin()

decimal_num = 10
binary_repr = bin(decimal_num)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Assigns the decimal number 10 to the decimal_num variable.
  • Line 2: Calls the bin() function to convert the decimal number to its binary equivalent and stores it in the binary_repr variable.
  • Line 3: Prints the binary representation, which includes the prefix ‘0b’ to indicate it’s a binary number



Example 2: Python bin() with Negative Number

decimal_num = -5
binary_repr = bin(decimal_num)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Assigns the negative decimal number -5 to the decimal_num variable
  • Line 2: bin() handles negative numbers using two’s complement representation
  • Line 3: Prints the binary representation, including the ‘-‘ sign and the ‘0b’ prefix



Example 3: Python bin() with Large Number

decimal_num = 1024
binary_repr = bin(decimal_num)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Assigns a larger decimal number to the variable
  • Line 2: bin() can handle numbers of any size, producing the corresponding binary string
  • Line 3: Prints the binary representation



Example 4: Python bin() with Zero

decimal_num = 0
binary_repr = bin(decimal_num)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Assigns the value 0 to the variable
  • Line 2: bin() correctly converts 0 to its binary form
  • Line 3: Prints the binary representation



Example 5: Python bin() with Non-Integer Class

class CustomNumber:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __index__(self):
        return self.value

custom_num = CustomNumber(12)
binary_num = bin(custom_num)

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Defines a custom class to represent numbers.
  • Line 2: Initializes an instance with a given value.
  • Line 5: Implements the special __index__ method, which allows the bin() function to get an integer representation from the custom object.
  • Line 8: Creates an instance of CustomNumber with the value 12.
  • Line 9: bin() uses the __index__ method to get the integer value and converts it to binary.
  • Line 10: Prints the binary representation.



Example 6: Python bin() with __index__() for Non-Integer Class

class CustomNumber:
    # ... (same as previous example)

custom_num = CustomNumber(12)
integer_value = custom_num.__index__()  # Get the integer value directly

Code Explanation

  • Line 4: Same as before.
  • Line 5: Explicitly calls the __index__ method to demonstrate how bin() gets the integer representation.
  • Line 6: Prints the integer value returned by __index__.



Also Read

Python ascii()

Python bool()